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Welcome to the home of official Grant Maloy Smith merchandise! We offer signed copies of Grant's albums here as well as clothing and wide variety of other items. Music and books are sold directly on this website, while other items are offered on our partner site, below. Note: for digital downloads of Grant's music, please visit the music pages on this site to buy downloads of his singles, EPs and albums!

Music and Books

more official merch
In addition to his music and books, Grant has a wide variety of official merchandise available, from tee shirts and hoodies, to pillows, wall art, phone and computer covers, and much more. These items are hosted on a vendor's site, so please complete any purchases of music or books here before moving on to the items below.
Logo Merch (Click image to see all 70+ items)
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Appalachia Merch (Click image to see all 60+ items)
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Long Live Rock Merch from designer Louis Tanner
(Click image to see all 60+ items)
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More Official Merch
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