My blog is available to everyone. Simply click the link to read any and all of my blog posts.
In addition, there are pages within this section that are only visible to members of this website. There is no cost to be a member of this website.
How To Become A Member
Click LOG IN using the button near the top right of any page.
Assuming you have not already signed up, you need to create a login for yourself. After you click login, simply select "Sign Up" and then choose how you want to do it. There are three choices:
Enter your email and a password that you can remember, or
Click Facebook to use your Facebook credentials to log you in on this computer, or
Click Google to use your Google/Gmail credentials to log you in on this computer
Once you do this and click ENTER, the admin of this website will get your request and will approve you as quickly as possible. When that happens you'll get an email alert that you can log in to the website.
So please return to this website and click LOG IN, and then time, enter your selected method of logging in.
At that point you will be an official member and will have access to Grant's members-only content and pages!
Partners can create their own profile on the website, and chat with Grant and other members. Partners can keep track of anything that they've purchased from the website, track orders, and see their order history. They can access the members-only page under this menu that Grant puts special songs and videos on that are not yet available to the general public, and other exclusive items of interest.